types of damages

Car wrecks can be devastating and result in serious physical, emotional, and financial damages. Whether you were the driver or passenger in a car wreck, it’s important to know what types of damages you may be able to claim.

Let’s take a look at the different types of damages you can file for compensation if you suffer an injury in a car wreck.

Economic Damages

Economic damages are those that have an exact dollar amount. This includes medical expenses for any treatment related to your injury, lost wages if you are unable to work due to the accident, and property damage costs associated with the car accident.

You should keep all records of medical bills, paystubs from when you miss work due to the injury, receipts for vehicle repair estimates and repairs, and any other expenses incurred as a result of the accident.

Non-economic damages

Non-economic damages are those without an exact dollar amount attached. These types of damages include things like pain and suffering from injuries sustained in the car wreck, emotional distress due to trauma caused by an accident, loss of companionship due to death or disability resulting from an accident, and loss of enjoyment of life because of extensive recovery time.

In order to prove non-economic losses in court after filing a car wreck injury claim, it is important to maintain written documentation such as journals recording your feelings and thoughts during recovery or statements from family members regarding changes they have noticed since your injury.

Pain and suffering damages refer to physical pain and emotional distress caused by being involved in an auto accident. This type of damage is more subjective than other types since there is no tangible evidence that is presentable as proof; instead, it relies on testimony from both parties about how the incident affected them emotionally or physically afterwards.

As attorneys, we calculate your pain and suffering based on factors such as how serious the injury was (if there was one), whether any permanent disabilities resulted from it, and how long it took for recovery time.

Punitive damages

Punitive damages are not often awarded, but considered when gross negligence on behalf of another party has resulted in harm or death. For example, if someone was driving drunk and caused the car wreck that resulted in your injury or a loved one’s death, then punitive damages may be obtainable as punishment for such behavior.

Punitive damages are intended to deter such egregious behavior from happening again in the future by making an example out of that particular individual or company responsible for causing harm. These types of damages might also be obtainable if gross negligence on behalf of another party has resulted in great harm or death.

Why it is impportant to know these types of damages

Car wrecks can cause serious physical and emotional trauma that can lead to hefty financial burdens while trying to recover from injuries sustained in an accident.

It is important to know what types of damages are available so that victims understand their rights and options when seeking compensation for medical bills, property damage costs, pain and suffering, lost wages etc., as a result of a car wreck caused by another party’s negligence.

Knowing how best to document these types of damages can also help make sure victims receive full compensation for their injuries after filing their case against another party responsible for the accident and its resulting harms.

Consult with an attorney

Overall, it is important for victims (and prospective drivers) alike to understand their rights when involved in a car wreck so they can seek justice accordingly while following any damage they suffer as a result.

Navigating the aftermath of an auto collision can be intimidating, but understanding the many types of damages can help provide some clarity on what steps need to be taken next when filing a claim with your insurance provider or taking legal action against another party involved in the accident.

Our attorneys at Pepper & Odom law firm understand these types of damages and can help you get the compensation you need after being hurt in a car wreck.

If you or a loved one are a victim of a car wreck as a result of someone else’s negligence, contact us online or give us a call to one of our offices in Mississippi or Alabama.

To reach our office in Ridgeland, Mississippi call (601) 202-1111 and to reach our office in Birmingham, Alabama call (205) 250-1107.