commercial vehicle accidents

In the bustling world of transportation, commercial vehicle accidents stand as serious threats on our roadways. According to the National Safety Council (NSC), in 2021, the number of fatal crashes involving large trucks reached 5,700, indicating an 18% surge from the previous year and a notable 49% increase over the last decade.

As you can see, unraveling the facts behind these incidents is important for both drivers and those seeking justice after commercial vehicle accidents. Pepper & Odom aims to shed light on the common causes of commercial vehicle accidents.

The Danger of Driver Fatigue

Driver fatigue is often overlooked, but it’s one of the most common causes of commercial vehicle accidents. Long hours behind the wheel, tight deadlines, and demanding schedules create the least ideal situation for exhausted drivers.

Understanding the importance of driver fatigue is essential for both prevention and legal recourse in the aftermath of an accident.

Inadequate Training: A Recipe for Disaster

Navigating a commercial vehicle of any kind requires certifiable skills and knowledge. Yet, inadequate training remains a significant contributor to commercial vehicle accidents.

It’s an employer’s responsibility to prioritize comprehensive training programs to equip drivers with the knowledge and skills needed to handle these large and powerful vehicles safely.

Mechanical Failures Produce Safety Concerns

Roadways come with their own risks and dangers, and mechanical failures can amplify those dangers. Brake malfunctions, tire blowouts, and other mechanical issues can turn a routine trip into a catastrophic event.

Regular maintenance and inspections are the keys to preventing accidents caused by vehicle malfunctions. Many companies have safety protocols that are in place to help prevent commercial vehicle accidents.

Distractions in the Digital Age

In an era dominated by technology, distractions pose a significant threat to safe driving. The temptation to use smartphones or other devices behind the wheel creates distraction and increases the risk of accidents.

Employers must implement strict policies against distracted driving to ensure the safety of both drivers and other road users. Thankfully, many employers are installing dash cameras to help enforce their policies and safety regulations on drivers of commercial vehicles.

Speeding and Aggressive Driving

In the world of commercial shipping and transports, tight schedules can lead to added pressure on commercial drivers. Drivers that are under pressure may resort to speeding and aggressive driving.

However, these behaviors significantly increase the risk of commercial vehicle accidents. While an employer cannot control another person’s actions directly, they hold the responsibility of implementing policies to ensure safety for other drivers and their employees on the roads.

Employers should emphasize safety over speed, ensuring drivers prioritize responsible driving practices.

Inclement Weather

Mother Nature introduces her own challenges to the world of commercial transportation. Adverse weather conditions such as rain, snow, or fog can create hazardous road conditions for commercial drivers.

Drivers and employers must prioritize safety by adjusting travel schedules, providing weather-specific training, and ensuring vehicles are equipped to handle poor weather.

Why It Matters

Understanding the common causes of commercial vehicle accidents helps individuals remain aware of commercial vehicles on the roadways. Additionally, those that are affected by commercial vehicle accidents can know what to look for when preparing a personal injury case.

If you or a loved one have experienced the aftermath of a commercial vehicle accident, seeking legal counsel is crucial. Our experienced team at Pepper & Odom is dedicated to navigating the complexities of these commercial vehicle accidents, ensuring justice is served.

Helping Victims of Commercial Vehicle Accidents

Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to the hidden dangers on our roads. By addressing the common causes of commercial vehicle accidents, we take a step toward safer transportation for everyone.

If you find yourself in need of legal support after a commercial vehicle accident, don’t hesitate to contact Pepper & Odom Law Firm. Our seasoned attorneys are here to guide you through the legal process and fight for the compensation you deserve.

Contact our Ridgeland, Mississippi office by calling (601) 202-1111. If you want to reach our office in Birmingham, Alabama, call (205) 250-1107.