If you’re reading this, it’s that time of year again for the sportsman of the outdoors to do what they like to do the most: Hunt. Hunters face the risk of hunting accidents every year.

According to the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks (MDWFP), 10 injuries per 100,000 participants result from hunting accidents in the state.

Affectively, Hunting is one of the biggest sportsmanships in states like Mississippi and Alabama. With the south being one of the most terrestrially diverse regions in the United States, it gives hunters plenty choices of game.

Unfortunately, this makes plenty of room for the chance of hunting accidents to occur. If you or a loved one sustains an injury or suffers fatally after a hunting accident, you may be eligible for compensation.

At Pepper & Odom, our attorneys have the knowledge and skills to deal with these types of accidents. We can help you get your life back on track and get you the compensation you or your family needs and deserves.

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Did you know?

In Mississippi, each resident that wishes to hunt must obtain a hunting license. Residents aged 16 through 64 are required by law to possess a hunting license, except while hunting on privately owned land titled to the resident.

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Main causes of hunting accidents

Firearms and tree stands are usually the most noteworthy causes of hunting accidents. However, there are plenty of other reasons for why these incidents happen.

Low Visibility can create complications for a hunter when trying to identify a target. Being out-of-sight of a hunter can potentially cause a hunting accident as well.

Unfortunately, there have been incidents involving one or more people injured by not being seen by a shooter. It is also important that a hunter does not shoot into populated areas.

Maintaining a safe zone of fire helps keep people in populated areas, like roads or buildings, safe. On the other hand, there are individuals whose negligence while handling a firearm has been evident in these types of incidents.

Improper use of a firearm is one of the most common causes of hunting accidents. When you carry a firearm for any reason, it is always important to practice gun safety.

Many of these types of accidents occur from things such as not implementing the safety feature of a firearm while carrying one. However, whether it is negligence or not, it can still lead to you injuring yourself or others.

Defective products or mechanical malfunctioning are almost more common than improper use of a firearm. Unfortunately, not using certain equipment properly like deer stands is one of the most common causes of hunting accidents.

Yet, some of these accidents involve tree stands and other hunting equipment being defective. It is possible for ammunition, guns, stands, and other products to be defective and cause injuries.

For more information on defective products and product liability, refer to our article on product liability and our attorneys that focus on those cases. In contrast, hunting accidents fall under civil liability or negligence in terms of personal injury cases.

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Did you know?

All hunters born on or after August 1st, 1977 is required to complete the Hunter Education Certification in the state of Alabama.

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Liability and negligence in relation to hunting accidents

In most states, proving negligence against a hunter is a must. However, the negligent party is responsible for injuries resulting from hunting accidents.

For a victim, they can seek compensation to cover pain and suffering, mental distress, loss in quality of life, and disability from shock or being afraid. Homeowner’s insurance from the negligent individual is usually what will pay out compensation for a victim’s expenses to settle a case.

If the incident were to involve a hunting organization or club, it is possible their insurance may provide liability to their hunters as part of membership fees.

AL: 205-250-1107  |  MS: 601-202-1111

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